Monochrome Mondays

Well depending on where you are reading this, summer time means heading off somewhere on vacation, or at worst, a long weekend away somewhere. This year my wife and I are choosing the latter, and in September will head out of town for a few days. So perhaps because of that (and also because I have not been taking so many monochrome photos recently) my mind goes back to previous vacations, such as last year when we went to one of our favorite places-Cape Cod. One of our favorite parts of being there is the area that comprises the Cape Cod National Seashore, which is a part of the National Parks system. There is a trail there that winds through the Nauset Marsh, a unique little ecosystem fed by the ocean and seemingly held together by the grasses that line the entire trail. At one point it meanders past this timeless scene (which I have used a color version of in an older post). The trees in the distance and the old shed are unmarred by any sort of technology. There are no power lines or even a garbage can anywhere in view in this photo. And that is why every trip to Cape Cod I ever take, I always make sure I stop by this trail. Honestly, if I had to pick just a handful of places where I could happily sit and watch the world go by, this would easily be one of my favorites!


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All Photographs By Robert P. Doyle


7 thoughts on “Monochrome Mondays

  1. I know I always get way off topic when I comment, but there is a street named “meandering” in Plano, TX…..the use of the word in your post made me think of it :-D….oh yea, nice pic 😀


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